
Bikin Hidup Jadi Lebih Berwarna

Kadang terasa sulit untuk membaca file konfigurasi. Kita ambil contoh saja file ini:

# The settings in this file are used by the program ntpdate-debian, but not
# by the upstream program ntpdate.

# Set to "yes" to take the server list from /etc/ntp.conf, from package ntp,
# so you only have to keep it in one place.

# List of NTP servers to use (Separate multiple servers with spaces.)
# Not used if NTPDATE_USE_NTP_CONF is yes.

# Additional options to pass to ntpdate

Kucoba warnai agar lebih menarik:
:syntax on

Lho, kok tidak bisa?
E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version

Oh, sepertinya yang kupakai adalah vim-common, bukan vim.

Kalau begitu kuinstal vim saja.
apt-get install vim

Kucoba mewarnai lagi:
:syntax on

Jadinya begini:

# The settings in this file are used by the program ntpdate-debian, but not
# by the upstream program ntpdate.

# Set to "yes" to take the server list from /etc/ntp.conf, from package ntp,
# so you only have to keep it in one place.

# List of NTP servers to use (Separate multiple servers with spaces.)
# Not used if NTPDATE_USE_NTP_CONF is yes.

# Additional options to pass to ntpdate

Agar bisa diwarnai otomatis, diubah konfigurasi vim-nya.

" Vim5 and later versions support syntax highlighting. Uncommenting the next
" line enables syntax highlighting by default.

syntax on

1 comment:

  1. agar lebih enak lagi set background=dark

    Background console-ku default-nya sudah gelap. :D
